You are the Leadership Class

You are the Leadership Class

When I started Leading Saints, I figured my target audience was leaders in the church. Almost 13 years later I realize the target audience for Leading Saints is much more expansive. (Not to mention, the audience is much more female than I expected it would be.)...

Leadership => Friendship

Leadership => Friendship

There is a huge benefit of being in a formal church leadership role that rarely gets mentioned. It’s simply this… Friendships Brotherhood Sisterhood Community A decade of my life was spent in bishoprics and a stake presidency, and it was an amazing way to be in a...

The Container > The Contents

The Container > The Contents

I’ve heard a handful of individuals make the observation that those who leave organized religion are able to replace most of the benefits that religion has to offer; however, rarely are they able to replace the type of community they find in religious traditions. This...


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