The Temple is a Jesus Place | An Interview with Gary Miller
Gary Miller is the host of the "Hope In Him Today" and "Outside The Lane" podcasts. Before joining The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he served as an independent fundamental Baptist pastor. He spent 11 years in the United States Air Force, dividing his...
Gathering African Saints to the Temple | A How I Lead Interview with Brenda Angle
Help Tanzanians get to the Kenya Temple Open House. DONATE HERE to support the Nairobi Temple Open House Trip. Brenda Angle has served as a Young Women president, Primary president, stake and ward Relief Society president, stake camp director, and as a service...
How One Elders Quorum Fostered Love and Understanding for LGBTQ+ Loved Ones
Bob Young is a lifelong member of the Church who has served in a variety of leadership and support callings. He served a full-time mission in Atlanta, Georgia, and graduated from California State University at Long Beach with a degree in Communications. Bob spent more...
How I Lead as a Jewish Rabbi in Utah | An Interview with Rabbi Chaim Zippel
Rabbi Chaim Zippel was born and raised in nearby Salt Lake City, and is the first-Utah born Chabad Rabbi. He attended Yeshivas in California and New York, and has extensive experience in outreach work and youth programming all over the country. Rabbi Chaim & Esty...

When the stake president hates the bishop’s idea
Here’s the situation… You’re the bishop and have some dynamic ideas to rally your ward around a specific vision and purpose. Your ward council is on board and adds more inspiration to the mix to make the plan even better. After implementing the plan, even your ward...
How I Lead in the Seoul Korea Military District | An Interview with Jon Holdaway
Jon Holdaway was born and raised in Pleasant Grove, Utah. He served in the Korea Seoul Mission, where he met Sister Juliette Landsem. They have two children. Jon graduated from Brigham Young University and BYU Law, and served in the Utah Army National Guard. He later...
Vesselhood – Allowing God to Magnify Our Efforts
Mary Margaret Thompson was raised in Salt Lake City by two California natives and converts to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Mary served a mission in upper New England, which covers the birthplace of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Upon her return, she met...
Fellowshipping Men in Elders Quorum | An Interview with Frank Schwartz
Frank Schwartz is a husband—for nearly 24 years—and a father of three girls. He was recently released from his elders quorum presidency and has served in several bishoprics, elders quorum presidencies, high councils, high priest group leaderships and Young Men...
9 Ideas for Easter in Your Ward
This past Monday we had an engaging live stream in the Leading Saints Community. We gathered leaders from around the United States and shared ideas for how our local wards can effectively contribute to the #GreaterLove campaign the Church is launching this Easter...
How I Lead as Young Women President | An Interview with Courtney Bush
Courtney Bush lives in the Utah Area, married her high school sweetheart, and together they have two kids. She graduated from Brigham Young University in Early Childhood Education and has a deep love for teaching and helping children. During her time teaching, some of...